Bonjour! Key Stage 1 held a ‘learn a new skill’ afternoon and invited parents / carers in to share this experience. The children completed three 30 minute stations consisting of French, sign language and skipping.

Key Stage 1 children enjoyed learning the colours in French and then they used their new knowledge with an active activity outside on the yard. The teachers shouted a colour in French and the children had to travel to that coloured line.

Children also had the opportunity to learn the British Sign Language Alphabet. They were then able to apply this skill to complete an activity using signs to spell words and also sign their own name. Children presented great knowledge knowing that Sign Language is a way of communicating to both deaf people and people with speech difficulties and found this a useful skill.

We also had a visit from Skipping School. The children were taught the techniques of how to hold the rope and skip. Jodie used a train going through the tunnel as a hook to engage the children. The children took turns to all have a go at learning this new skill.

Feedback from the children was extremely positive with all three skills proving to be popular. We are really grateful to parents / carers for taking the time to share these learning experiences. Staff received some really positive feedback such as how important it is to teach skills from a young age and how it is important to be inclusive with all children and to be able to communicate with children that use sign language.