Latest News/Events
‘Why does that building stay up?’
Our topic this half term is called 'Why does that building stay up?'. The children have had great fun and have immersed themselves in the provision enhancements that have been provided for them, including building with connetix and forming shapes with kinetic sand....
‘How does that building stay up?’
This half term we have welcomed new friends into nursery, we have been busy getting to know each other and the nursery routines. We have also been investigating our new topic 'How does that building stay up?' We have explored using a variety of construction materials...
KS1 Music Workshop Jan 2025
Key Stage 1 really enjoyed their music workshop as part of their Beat Band Boogie topic! As part of the workshop, pupils carried out warm up activities that involved following using body percussion. After that, the children were split into two groups where they looked...
96.5% Dec 2024
Well done children on achieving 96.5% attendance and punctuality in the Autumn term. Having high attendance has a vast amount of benefits. 78.7% of children that have 100% attendance go on to achieve 5+ GCSEs including English and Maths. Setting good attendance...
100% attendance Dec 2024
Well done children on achieving 100% attendance and punctuality in the Autumn term. Having high attendance has a vast amount of benefits. 78.7% of children that have 100% attendance go on to achieve 5+ GCSEs including English and Maths. Setting good attendance...
Singing at Belmont Dec 2024
This term the children in KS1 have learnt all about 'Incarnation' (The birth of Jesus) in RE. They have explored the religion Christianity and learnt about the meaning behind Christmas. The children know that Christians believe Christmas to be a time to remember the...
Rock Steady Concert Dec 2024
On Thursday 12th December, some children participated in a 'Rock Steady' concert. The children have been rehearsing weekly and performed as part of a band. Within the band the children had the opportunity to either play the drums, guitar, keyboard or they took on the...
Storyteller Dec 2024
Last week, all children in the Early Years and some of our parents were lucky enough to take part in a storyteller session, delivered by Zoe. Zoe not only told a number of autumnal stories but she did so alongside music, thus bringing drama to her stories....
Storyteller Nov 2024
Last week, all children in the Early Years and some of our parents were lucky enough to take part in a storyteller session, delivered by Zoe. Zoe not only told a number of autumnal stories but she did so alongside music, thus bringing drama to her stories....
Well done Royd!
Royd Nursery Infant School is in The Star. As a school we are delighted that the Ofsted report reflects the hard work, commitment and high quality that is produced day in, day out by the staff and children. This report would also not be possible without our supportive...
Storyteller Dec 2024
Last week, all children in the Early Years and some of our parents were lucky enough to take part in a storyteller session, delivered by Zoe. Zoe not only told a number of autumnal stories but she did so alongside music, thus bringing drama to her stories....
‘Why do Leaves go Crispy?’
In Nursery this half term we have been focusing on the topic 'Why do leaves go crispy?' We have enjoyed exploring dried leaves outside and using these natural materials in our creative section to make leaf crowns and tree paintings. We have looked at the changes we...
‘Why do Leaves go Crispy?’
This half terms topic is 'Why do leaves go crispy?' In rainbow room the children have enjoyed exploring Autumn leaves, conkers and pine cones. We have been wrapping ourselves up with warm coats to play outside and have loved jumping in and throwing the crispy leaves!...
Basketball Class 8
Class 8 have been learning about basketball in their PE lessons this half term. We have been focussing on bouncing the ball with two hands. Some children were challenged even further to bounce the ball up and down the playground whilst jogging! All of the children...
‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’
This half terms' focus in topic is 'Towers, Tunnels and Turrets'. In DT the year 1s and 2s have thoroughly enjoyed exploring joining techniques in preparation for creating their castle construction later on in the half term. The year 1s used an L brace to join two...
‘Why do Leaves go Crispy?’
This half term in the 2-year provision our topic has been ‘Why do leaves go crispy?' The children have enjoyed accessing the different leaves outside. We looked at the different colours of the leaves and how they have changed colour from green to brown, orange and...
‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’
This half terms' focus in topic is 'Towers, Tunnels and Turrets'. In Computing the year 1s have thoroughly enjoyed using 2Publish to create their own images of a Motte & Bailey Castle and Stone castle from scratch. The year 2s have been exploring Powerpoint to...
‘Why do Leaves go Crispy?’
Reception's topic this half term is called 'Why do Leaves go Crispy?' The children have really immersed themselves into the learning that has taken place, both indoors and out. We have used our observational skills to look at the changes in our environment and the...
‘Why do Leaves go Crispy?’
Reception's topic this half term is called 'Why do Leaves go Crispy?' The children have really immersed themselves into the learning that has taken place, both indoors and out. We have used our observational skills to look at the changes in our environment and the...
Warwick Castle Nov 2024
The Year 1 and year 2 children have been learning all about castles this half term. The children therefore thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Warwick Castle this week where they could experience a life in a castle first-hand. We climbed up some spiral steps to get a...
Warwick Castle Nov 2024
The Year 1 and year 2 children have been learning all about castles this half term. The children therefore thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Warwick Castle this week where they could experience a life in a castle first-hand. We climbed up some spiral steps to get a...
Warwick Castle Nov 2024
The Year 1 and year 2 children have been learning all about castles this half term. The children therefore thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Warwick Castle this week where they could experience a life in a castle first-hand. We climbed up some spiral steps to get a...
School Council Visit Stocksbridge Town Council Oct 2024
The school councils from Royd Nursery Infant School and Deepcar St John's CE Junior School visited Stocksbridge Town Council as part of this academic year's elections. The children discussed a range of things that they felt were important to them and the local...
Healthy Teeth
At Royd we teach the children all about the importance of having healthy teeth. We start this learning with our youngest children in school, as we know and understand the benefits of looking after our teeth and this starts by looking after our baby teeth. Some of the...
Healthy Teeth
At Royd we teach the children all about the importance of having healthy teeth. We start this learning with our youngest children in school, as we know and understand the benefits of looking after our teeth and this starts by looking after our baby teeth. Some of the...
Healthy Teeth
At Royd we teach the children all about the importance of having healthy teeth. We start this learning with our youngest children in school, as we know and understand the benefits of looking after our teeth and this starts by looking after our baby teeth. Some of the...
The importance of crossing the road safely!
As we all know Jackie does a fabulous job of keeping our children safe when crossing the road. As part of an assembly Jackie delivered a workshop to our children to discuss the importance of crossing the road safely. There were a number of children that commented that...
“Muck, Mess and Mixtures”
This half term's topic is based around the theme ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’. The children in class 9 have started their Computing work- as you can see from their faces they have thoroughly enjoyed the interactivity of these lessons! Their focus has been around using...
“Why do you love me so much?”
This half terms topic is ‘Why do you love me so much?’ The children in Rainbow room have been thinking about themselves and their families. We have been making marks to represent ourselves and our family members using crayons and paints .We have also been looking...
“Goldilocks and The Three Bears”
This half-term, class 8 have been learning all about the traditional tale; Goldilocks and The Three Bears. Last week, the children had lots of fun creating their own bowls of healthy porridge for Goldilocks! The children learnt about the importance of hygiene and...