Year 2 had a fantastic time exploring all about science in our science day. The children were captivated from start to finish! We researched what a Marine Biologist was on the computers and found out some interesting facts! We also investigated what objects were magnetic. The children were so engaged with this and were amazed at what objects they found around the classroom that were magnetic. We then explored plants and discussed what they needed to grow. The children made flower balls in the wildlife garden and they enjoyed planting them. We can’t wait to see them grow! Our next session led us to The Glen. We made a den using natural materials, trying hard to protect Spongebob from the rain showers! The children made sure that their den was sheltered and that it was built strong. Finally we made a raft using sticks in the glen. The children designed their own flag and tested the raft in the stream to see if it floated! This was so exciting and the children loved watching this.