The Sheffield Children’s University Passport home learning activity newsletter for the February half term is available! Welcome to the February edition of our Sheffield CU Passport Activity Newsletter. It’s packed with fun activities happening during the half...
As part of “Celebration Assembly” on a Friday school celebrate children’s achievements. Children are rewarded for their hard work and quality of their work through receiving the Reader, Writer and Mathematician of the week t-shirts that they wear proudly during...
As part of “Celebration Assembly” on a Friday school celebrate children’s achievements. Children are rewarded for their hard work and quality of their work through receiving the Reader, Writer and Mathematician of the week t-shirts that they wear proudly during...
On Friday 14th January, children enjoyed a visit from ‘Rock Steady’! They showed us the musical instruments we could play if we were in a band such as the drums, guitar, keyboard and our beautiful singing voices. Some lucky children received the...
On Friday 7th January, Year 1 and Year 2 completed a music workshop that was provided by music specialists from the Sheffield Music Hub. This workshop focused around our current topic ‘Rio de Vida’. The children had the opportunity to play percussion...