Science afternoon – March 2023!

Science afternoon – March 2023!

On Friday 31st March, parents/carers of children in Year 1 and Year 2 were invited into school for a fun-filled Science afternoon! The children completed a range of activities such as building bridges, marshmallow catapults, making gyrocopters, a magic milk experiment...
World Book Day – Zog!

World Book Day – Zog!

Year 1 and Year 2 have had a fabulous World Book Day! The children came in a variety of amazing costumes and were excited to show each other who they had come as! This year we focused on the book “Zog” by Julia Donaldson. After reading the story, we...
Music Workshop 30th January 2023

Music Workshop 30th January 2023

Key Stage 1 have really enjoyed their music workshop this afternoon, as part of their Beat Band Boogie topic!  As part of the workshop, pupils carried out warm up activities that involved following using body percussion. After that, the children were split into two...
RE Trip to Bolsterstone Church

RE Trip to Bolsterstone Church

On Thursday 26th January, some Year 1 and Year 2 children visited Bolsterstone Church as part of our RE topic based on religious symbols. The children loved exploring the church, finding different features and artefacts. The children also listened to Reverend Steve...
Warwick Castle Nov 22

Warwick Castle Nov 22

Year 1 and year 2 have been learning all about castles this half term so they thoroughly enjoyed the trip to Warwick Castle to see all of the different features that we have learned. We climbed up the spiral steps to the top of the towers to see the view that soldiers...