This week the children in Nursery have been having lots of fun learning a range of science based activities. They have learnt about Sea Pollution and the effects this has on wildlife. The children have been brilliant at recognising plastic objects which they found floating in the water tray. The children enjoyed rescuing the sea animals from the plastic using fishing nets. The children also leant about floating and sinking. Children in nursery were encouraged to build their own boat for the teddy bears made from a range of materials. The children discussed with the grown ups around them what materials they had chosen and if their boat had floated or not on the water. They loved testing their boats to see if it could still float with some teddy bears in too. They have really impressed us with their observational skills! Our final activity this week was learning how to plant a seed. The children have enjoyed weeding, digging and planting and getting very messy! They are so excited to see the flowers grow over time.