Nursery ‘What is a shadow?’

Over the past two weeks, the children in Nursery have been exploring our new theme ‘What is a shadow?’. Children have been listening to the story ‘Don’t wake up the bear’ and have been using our small world area to act out the story using...

Nursery’s Arts week

In Nursery the children have been immersed in our arts week. The theme around our arts week has been around the story ‘Snow Bear’ by Tony Mitton. Children have been given the choice to take part in various art activities within the provision setting. We have tried our...

Arts week!

The past two weeks the children in Nursery have loved taking part in ‘Arts Week’. Our story and theme for our art pieces has been the story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’. The children have been fascinated learning about a range of different animals...

Stay and Play June

This week the children in Nursery have once again opened its doors to parents for the final stay and play of the academic year. We had such lovely weather for it too! The children enjoyed showing their parents around the provision areas where they could explore our...

Creature’s Ark

  The children in Nursery have had a very exciting  couple of days as they were visited by lots of different animals.  As part of our curriculum we want our children to learn all about nature and living things…our visit from Creature Ark was a big hit; the...