A huge congratulations to the children that took part in the “Summer Reading Challenge”. For more information about what the children had to do in order to achieve receiving their certificate and medal please visit: https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/
Reading has a vast amount of benefits. For example:
– for children whose parents /carers read to them at home for 30 minutes a day before they start school it equates to approximately 1,000 hours of listening to stories.
– when a parent / carer reads a child a book to their child it creates a connection. “Dad loves me, I love dad. Dad loves stories, I love stories”
– Children thrive on repetition. If done properly (bringing the story to life through expression and acting it out) then the child wants the story to be read again and again.
By reading aloud, the child’s parent / carer has:
– given them a breadth of vocabulary and a deep understanding of language.
– provided the child to have heard extended and elaborated sentences.
– given them knowledge of new places – real and imagined.
– given them knowledge about people and creatures who feel like they do.
– helped him inhabit the minds of others and understand that some people have different experiences and perspectives.
– given them knowledge about the narrative structure of stories – problems and resolutions, twists and turns.
– given them knowledge about how things can be compared to others.
– enabled them to learn that stories sometimes have strong messages.
– given them sensitivity to alliteration, rhyme and rhythm.
It is never too late to start reading with your child!